Welcome to the Agia Napa/Famagusta Local-User-Group ☄ in Cyprus.

🔶 Meet the community in Famagusta at: Online MeetUp Famagusta
🔶 Triff die DE Community unter Online MeetUp DE Famagusta

LUG☄ Connected to be free with the LocalUserGroup.
Local-Regional ☯ The world is a Global Village 🔸 We love Open-Source Culture. 🔸 We live Open-Source LinuX and Crypto know-how. 🔹 LUG☄cy plus LUG☄ by „AlphaOmega.stuff“. How is your cash flow? Choose your starting point. In which quadrant do you live in? E | B --+-- S | I [E]
Choose your starting point. Which quadrant do you live in? ⚞
Helium Map